Jun 29, 2009

A Team Approach to Healthcare Reform

As a chronic consumer of healthcare and policy information, I am thoroughly enjoying the explosion of media coverage regarding healthcare reform.

For example, the following NY Times blog includes an excellent compilation of insights from many knowledgeable and experienced doctors:

However, I have to say that with all the coverage on healthcare reform, very little of it includes perspectives from non-physician providers. While the doctor's point of view is obviously an important one, it is just one in our very complex system. Off the top of my head, other providers working to provide patient care include nurses, nurses aids, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, occupational therapists, research teams, and administrators. And, as a result of our current system, the aforementioned providers often spend more time with patients than doctors get to. If we are to reform healthcare into a workable and sustainable system, we should be gathering more insight from a variety of providers.

I advocate for a team-centered approach to healthcare. As such, I advocate for a team-centered approach to healthcare reform. There is something to learn from everyone on the team.

Has anyone else seen coverage from nurses, pharmacists, therapists, or otherwise?
Please comment!

Raising Joy in the Health Care Workforce

Raising Joy in the Health Care Workforce

Thursday, July 9, from 2:00 – 3:00 PM Eastern Time

Joanne Watson, IHI Fellow and Consultant Endocrinologist, NHS
Katie Bell,
Partner and Lead, Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index

There’s nothing optional about a health care workforce that’s capable and empowered to deliver optimal care to patients. Staff members who are engaged in their jobs, have opportunities for growth and development, and feel respected by trusted colleagues and higher ups alike, go out of their way to implement best practices and, in the process, help their organizations earn reputations for best places to work.

Join WIHI host, Madge Kaplan, and experts Joanne Watson and Katie Bell, for a lively discussion of new research findings and new strategies being deployed to build stronger connections between clinical outcomes, patient-centered care, and engaged frontline employees. Come listen, share your knowledge, and ask questions on IHI’s brand new audio “talk show” - the first of its kind devoted to capturing the best ideas for reforming the health care system through system redesign.

To enroll please click here.

About WIHI
WIHI is a new free audio/web broadcast from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement that combines the best of improvement ideas with global experts, a seasoned host, and hundreds of engaged participants. The 60-minute program is offered live every other week and by download whenever it's convenient for you to listen. Produced and hosted by Madge Kaplan, WIHI is your opportunity to meet up with colleagues who want to improve patient care and shape a true health reform agenda.